Dancing In Angel Shadows, a documentary film by director Steve Childs, explores the story behind the creation of an eight piece ballet by choreographer Gary Taylor, Founder and Artistic Director of the Winston-Salem Festival Ballet.

Childs focuses on Taylor’s interpretation of different types of angels and how they minister to us, protect us, and guide us. Childs says, Whether I'm painting or filming dancers, I am moved by what I'm observing. To me, dance is movement and calm, flickers of light and shadow,  music that moves the soul, beauty that is defined only through emotion. When I saw Gary Taylor's choreography performed last year, I envisioned his angel stories evolving into this film, 'Dancing in Angel Shadows'. I believe angels surround us, moving as dancers, perhaps casting their own fleeting shadows across life's stage.

Childs also includes random “on the street” interviews throughout the film which capture a range of short personal stories of others' own reflections and thoughts about angels.

Runtime: 44 minutes